Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Free Meditation Music Online

Free Meditation Music is easily available online. Whether you're just learning meditation techniques or you are experienced with meditation, listening to soothing music will enhance your experience, allowing you to get more benefits from your daily meditation program.

What is Meditation?

When learning meditation techniques, many people try to make it more complicated than it needs to be. Simply quieting your mind, focusing on taking deep breathe and relaxing your body, while listening to soothing meditation music will get you started on the right path.

Read about the Health Benefits of Meditation

Free Meditation Music Online

I spent the morning going through the sites which offer free meditation music and it was nice having these beautiful, restful songs streaming in the background while I worked. These are great resources and many offer useful information on various techniques, newsletters, free meditation courses and more.

I checked out many other sites but most offered the same downloads as these.

Although Amazon.com sells many MP3 versions of meditation music, there are also some free meditation music MP3s available as well. Check out meditation music on Amazon, listen to samples for both free and 99 cent versions so you can find a few that appeal to you.

Meditation Music downloads was my favorite of the sites I visited. It offers free MP3s so you can save to your iPod or listening device and the music choices are beautiful. The site does offer a premium membership but you can listen and download the songs for free. Meditation Music also offers free audio classes on meditation techniques.

Radio Sri Chinmoy Offers 9 beautiful pieces of free meditation music, some MP3's and some for listening on Apple Quicktime. You can download to your computer or Ipod.

Free Meditation.com offers music for listening through your computer. To download you have to contact them so not sure if there is a fee involved. This site also offers a newsletter.

Meditation Music downloads offers free MP3s so you can save to your iPod or listening device.

So if you're new to meditating, just put on some of this free meditation music, choose some favorites and download to your computer or iPod so you can listen daily. Set aside 10-15 minutes to start with, sit back, close your eyes and breathe deeply. If you do this for just 30 days, you'll notice a decrease in stress and an increase in good health and vitality.

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